Primary 150 - End of the year
Image Class, What a wild year huh? We have seen how the New Testament is full of miracles, such as the birth of Christ and the resurrection of Christ. We have seen how Christ pulls us from the chaos that threatens to follow us as water did to Peter when he followed his Savior walking on the sea. We have learned to build upon rocks and that our foundation is vital. We learned that when we lack wisdom God with us to teach us. We learned that God has been with us the whole time and that He has lead us away from cheep imitations and encouraged us to keep an armor about us, that war, pestilence famine and death to our bodies, minds and spirits threaten us but we know who will succeed and we are on His side. We learned this year what faith is, a deep abiding trust and with that trust we know that the Redeemer will pull us from our chaotic life and rescue us from moment that threaten to drowned and overwhelm us. I am so glad I was your teacher. In teaching you I got to ...