Primary 115 - The parables of Jesus

image Jesus taught in a way that all who could understand the language could understand the deeper meaning. For example, Jesus taught about the mustard seed/tree. He showed the smallest seed could contribute so much. Some dwell on the seed and how it can feed even the smallest birds, whilst others dwell on the tree and how it shelters even the largest. When we think of the mustard seed that was the testimony of Nephi, we could say the story or testimony of this one man now strengthens and enriches millions. He didn't know his seed would feed so many, did he? But thousands praise him and the Savior he worshipped. We don't know how our delicate seed/testimony will bless the lives of others. Brother Bingham loves to tell the story of his grandma, four time missionary, mother of eleven, grand mother to over seventy and great grandma to over a hundred but that meant nothing unless her children knew Jesus, her Redeemer. Our testimony, our relationship with our Savior i...