Primary 112 - Righteous Judgement

All too often we are told to "judge not, least ye be judge" (Matt 7:1). Children we make judgements all the time. Who we like, love, work with, play with, the food we will eat the liquids we will drink, etc. The Spirit asks us to avoid individuals or situations and leads us to individuals and opportunities because He too judges, because he knows us. What we should come to understand is there is a difference between avoiding or judging the behavior of others and condemning others. 

The Lord of all has the right and privilege of making that call for each of us. We should use decerment daily so that we would choose the good over the evil (Matt10:16 and Ezekiel 44:23-24).

When we lift and heal, wicked people must let good in their lives. They may judge us and our customs but when they see good an have the desire to do good also. Opinions may be little judgements but when we seek the Spirit to show us their hearts and minds, we are shown how we can help and uplift so that the spiritually lame can walk again, the spiritually blind can see again, the spiritually deaf can hear, and the socially rejected can find a home in the ward and neighborhood through Christ, repentance and baptism.

As Jesus healed the sinners, remember that His touch and those that touch Him were healed In body, but more importantly, spirit. Jesus held His final judgement and kept to judgement that was righteous and did little or no harm. He did not judge the Samaritan woman at the well nor the woman brought to Him to be stoned. He was ginger in judgement when Peter and Jesus were asked to pay taxes. When He was harsh at the temple, it is noted that He didn't hurt anyone and attacked the act of selling sacrifice for the temple. 

When we do wrong, we must remember that His judgement will be kind. Nothing we have done or will have done cannot be beyond forgiveness if we seek Him Who can Save Us. The Savior loved His people in the meridian of time. He loves us too.

This week when you read the miracles and blessings of Jesus, look for the lesson and the blessing that came with it. 

1) Read Matthew 9-10; Mark 5; Luke 9
2) How can we work on controlling our judgments of other people? Write out some things you can try and practice this week. Record your thoughts and feelings as you go through the week.


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