Primary 113 - Who are your friends?

During one of His sermons, the Savior witnessed four friends pull together, carry a friend sick with palsy, wrestle a crowd, tear off part of a roof and lower their friend gently so that the Savior could heal him. That leads to the question, what kind of friends are we?

Do we bear our testimonies, share scriptures or choose the right so that our friends can see the Spirit of the Savior in us? Is our friendships that valuable to us? Do we love our friends? The same goes for neighbors and family.

Brother Bingham has a friend at work who loves the Savior. The two exchange teachings of the Savior occasionally and the two do it without care of who is listening. Brother Bingham loves to tell his friend of the primary lessen, partly for insight, partly the friendship.

We encourage you to be who you are everywhere you are. People will have pain and sadness but sharing the gospel will lift spirits and heal the broken hearted. As you get older, your lives will seem more and more busy. If you take the time to get to know others, to be their friend, you will become the servent of the Savior that we all need.

1) Read Matthew 11-12; Luke 11
2) Take time this week to think and pray for opportunities to share stories about Jesus. As you go through the week record your thoughts and feelings.


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