
Showing posts from April, 2021

Primary 15 - Time and Place

Our dear brothers and sisters,  Heaven has constantly given us the commandments over and over. It's in the Old Testament, Book of Mormon (Jacob), and here in the Doctrine and Covenants. Over and over the Lord wants His people to be noble and honest people who are just, merciful and above all, charitable. Our wonderful class, Father in Heaven wants us to honor and obey the laws of the land preparing us for the laws of God. Some would say that there are more than ten mentioned in Section 42 but we will focus on the ten. In the Doctrine and Covenants, He goes backward than what was mentioned by Jacob and Moses with harsh and temporal things leading us back to the first and great commandment, love and worship our beloved Father who sent us here to learn so many great and wonderful things.  In the next section (Section 43) we learn that there is a time and place for causes and advocacy groups and leaders. We live in a time where groups want you to worry or join a cause ...

Primary 14 - W are Equal to God as His Children

Our wonderful class, D&C 30-36 talks about a lot of things. The big thing we want to emphasize this week is that how the Lord gives us all blessings. Some of those blessings are of the Spirit and some are temporal. Well, to clarify Heavenly Father always does things with spiritual intent but can manifest temporarily.  In this point in the history of the church, there was wealth inequality. Some were wealthy and some were poor (like today) but there was a spiritual imbalance among the saints which was impacting. What the Lord introduced was the Law of Consecration (the law for making thing holy to prepare us so we can be with our Heavenly Father). This law helped the saints to learn to be equal in everything. Now it didn't work out but we also at the time got the Law of the Tith (better known as tithing). The whole point was to teach us that everything is from God, everything. We must realize the wealth of Heaven and how Heavenly Father wants to give it to ...

Primary 13 - Our Missions are not what We Expect

Our dear class, We hope that Easter and Conference has inspired you all and filled your homes with the Spirit.  This week we are talking about D&C 30-36 and about the missionaries that tried to convert the Lamanite nations of the west. The Lord called several young men to be missionaries and as those that attempted to convert the Indians, they failed. Likewise this pandemic has changed the missions of many missionaries but we must remember the missionaries that were sent to the direction of the Lamanites. They then gained 1000+ converts though not one Lamanite. They thrusted in their sickle with all their might no matter where they were and the Lord blessed them with success. Now you must be wondering why did the Lord ask them to do it if they were going to "fail"? The answer is this... It's not about the destination but the journey and the things you learn on the way. Unlike story books and movies that are staight, the Lord ways are stait, that is to say ...