Primary 15 - Time and Place

Our dear brothers and sisters, 

Heaven has constantly given us the commandments over and over. It's in the Old Testament, Book of Mormon (Jacob), and here in the Doctrine and Covenants. Over and over the Lord wants His people to be noble and honest people who are just, merciful and above all, charitable.

Our wonderful class, Father in Heaven wants us to honor and obey the laws of the land preparing us for the laws of God. Some would say that there are more than ten mentioned in Section 42 but we will focus on the ten. In the Doctrine and Covenants, He goes backward than what was mentioned by Jacob and Moses with harsh and temporal things leading us back to the first and great commandment, love and worship our beloved Father who sent us here to learn so many great and wonderful things. 

In the next section (Section 43) we learn that there is a time and place for causes and advocacy groups and leaders. We live in a time where groups want you to worry or join a cause or race to support an idea. Remember what we said about the Lord. He warns when there is no storm, no cause for alarm. Groups who act like this may be reasonable and good and we are not saying keep from joining or give money or time to them, we are asking you to pray and counsel with the Lord. The Lord asks us to calm ourselves and then listen. Do not become riled up and jump to conclusions. Listen to reason and the Spirit.

Some have taught that the prophets have said things privately to some and said something else to the church. We testify that the Lord's prophet may have an opinion, but when he speaks as the Lord's mouthpiece there is no double-speak but what he says to one applies to all because the Lord's counsel is for your situation. That's why we should apply the teachings of the prophets and the scriptures to ourselves. The Prophet will always go through the front door; through council or conference.

Again know that we pray for your safety and well-being. Continue to pray, fast, and read your scriptures. Love your family, friends, and all those around you. We are all children of God and should treat each other as such. Christ was a great example of this. Just because someone is different (doesn’t look like us, believes like us, or acts like us) doesn’t mean we don’t treat them with respect and kindness. They are our brothers and sisters. Think about our actions and behaviors towards others. Are they inviting others to come unto Christ or chasing them away? God be with you till we meet again.

Brothers Keller and Bingham

1) Read D&C 45
2)Look for those around you that need a friend. It could be a new kid, a sibling, or someone having a bad day. Try to brighten their day. Say hi, ask if they want to play or sit with them at lunch. Write down how it made you feel.


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