
Showing posts from March, 2021

Primary 12 - The Armor of God

Our wonderful class, We are so privileged to teach you the blessings of the Savior. In Doctrine and Covenants 28 we learned that it was vital to take on the Armor of God; to protect your head through a helmet (thoughts), heart through a chest plate (feelings), loins (virtue and chastity), feet through boots (your foundation); that you should bear a shield (faith and hope of Christ) and a sword (the Holy Ghost that can pierce the very soul and drive the devil from your presence). The armor is mentioned over and over in the scriptures. The importance can not be emphasized enough. Keep it tight so that the fiery darts can't get to you. What are those darts? Doubt and fear; a pride that makes us think we are better than our armor. How would they get us to take off our armor? Ever got snow under your coat or boots or gloves? Now thinking of that, how quick were you to take off the article to free yourself of the cold? This example is similar to those that get a fiery dart in...

Primary 11 - Life's Test

Our class,  Our test are specific to us and is based on what we know to be true, faith in things and hope. Some tests are simple and some are hard. Poor Joseph saw and held the plates but could not show them or use them for his own gain. Emma never got to see those gold plates but knew wealth and had to take the word of her husband that he had a book that she would never see. Let us give you an illustration of difficulty. Brother Bingham served a mission and while he was in the MTC he found it difficult to be separated from his family who were three miles away in Spanish Fork.  The companion given to him taught him perspective. His companion cam from a country thousands of miles away, where he was the first member in the whole country, rejected by his parents for his faith, lost his friends to civil war and was called to teach, preach and exort as the first branch president of the gospel in his country, also translated the Book of Mormon in his native tongue. Broth...

Primary 10 - Our Roles

Beloved class, We are studying D&C 23-26. We are wanting to stress how unique we all are in life and in the gospel. Our challenges are designed by our Father just for us and we must be be diligent in sharing and exercising our talent and abilities.  The Doctorine and Covenants teaches us that our role in the gospel is different as the ear is to the eye. We must realize that the ear cannot see or the eye hear and we are similar in our function in the gospel. We will not always be called to be something others get to be called in the gospel. For instance, a saint may be a great teacher or bishop but not a great secretary or patriarch. Heavenly Father want to help us stretch and grow in our greatest capacity.  This reminds be of starting spots as a kid. I had dreams of being the fastest kid around. My coach saw my potential and pushed me and put me to work. After the first day of practice I could not move my legs. I hurt so bad and it took a lot of stretching and ...

Primary 9 - The Constitution

Our beloved class, We are studying D&C 20-22 and are learning the Constitution of the Church that separates us from all other churches. Two years ago we studied the articles of that constitution (the Articles of Faith) that defines our church. It defines our roles in the priesthood and callings as members of the church. We also learn a confirmation of the sacrament prayer.  Our dear brothers and sisters, we are called to teach you the foundation of the church. The principles of the gospel are vital; faith, repentance, baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. So it makes sense that we would show you where our roles and responsibilities are as members so that we can do what we as members are asked to do. Prophets and seers see in times of peace, not in times of trouble. They see angels and hear the Lord's voice. It's our responsibility to give heed in times of peace to hear the Prophet's voice so that when we are in times of trouble we will be firm in the gosp...