Primary 12 - The Armor of God
Our wonderful class, We are so privileged to teach you the blessings of the Savior. In Doctrine and Covenants 28 we learned that it was vital to take on the Armor of God; to protect your head through a helmet (thoughts), heart through a chest plate (feelings), loins (virtue and chastity), feet through boots (your foundation); that you should bear a shield (faith and hope of Christ) and a sword (the Holy Ghost that can pierce the very soul and drive the devil from your presence). The armor is mentioned over and over in the scriptures. The importance can not be emphasized enough. Keep it tight so that the fiery darts can't get to you. What are those darts? Doubt and fear; a pride that makes us think we are better than our armor. How would they get us to take off our armor? Ever got snow under your coat or boots or gloves? Now thinking of that, how quick were you to take off the article to free yourself of the cold? This example is similar to those that get a fiery dart in...