Sunday School - End of the year
Brothers and sisters,
The dream of Nebakanezer is on where revelation happened first and Interpretation second. Daniel was told, "Tell me my dream and then it's interpretation." We are in a world where we are asked to privately interpret the scriptures one verse at a time, having to know the book, chapter and verse. How about knowing the scriptures as God knows them. Jesus didn't quote chapter and verse but the words and intents of the verse from revelation. The Spirit works with us on a individual bases and collectively as a church through prophets so that scriptures can have a fist full of meanings that apply to us as God children but also in those quiet moments as a child of God.
The hymn says, "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus proffer me." Do you know what that means? The term proffer vs offer, is a subtle one. One, I hold the offering and you take it (offer), the other I put the offering in your hand (proffer) an you either accept it or reject it. Jesus has proffered us the Atonement, the Holy Ghost is a proffered gift, the rites and covenants of the temple are proffered to us for our benefit and learning. When we say the Savior has given us everything, it literally means it's ours but what we do with it is now our responsibility with this great power. Do we hide it, horde it or share it and bless others with it. The things that we proffer from should be the light on our hill, the message of hope to others, the example of loyalty and repentance that we show to a loving Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. This year take time to share your favorite scripture or bear your testimony with the friends and family that you love so much.
Next I want to remind us all that covenants are not about two parts in a contract, cold and disconnected, but two hearts in a promise. Have you attended less and less because you have felt disconnected or discouraged. Have the troubles of the world seemed larger that you have been able to bear? Did you pray harder or fast longer to get that Spirit back after your hardship? Well, if you were also worthy, did you consecrate time for the temple. Was time valuable enough to reverence the Lord and come to his house when your house was not enough? Make the new year a covenant renewal year. Take time to connect more through study and prayer. Take time to serve the living and the dead so that they to can be blessed with your spirit. You are not just crude matter of flesh and blood but a spirit given a fantastic opportunity here on earth. Seize the day everyday. Harken to the Spirit and take time to behold more. This mortality is an amazing experience. Don't miss it.
Last let's talk about Grace. The scriptures say “For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do”. Have you considered the we meaning as to mean God and me? (2 Nephi 25:23). Reconciliation is about balancing the books. His grace forgive us after all the work and effort we do to correct our course from si and drive to follow the Savior's path, a path of righteousness. When I married my wife, her loyalty and trust was immeasurable and her love for me today echoes it. The Savior is no different. He wants the vialist of sinner in heaven who have sincerely repented but they must want it too. This is why a covenant is so important, why grace is important. He wants us to be sin free and guilt free. He wants us to cleave to him because it is through the lense of the Atonement that we are made whole. Look at all of the scriptures that use grace and you can see how the Savior want us to push our spirits to know the father and his mercy as he knows the father and his mercy. The scriptures say, "if ye have seen me, the have seen the father". The gift of mercy is for us all.
Merry Christmas everyone. I am so glad that I have had these last four years to do a message nearly every week and I will continue to give one. Thank you for your time and patience as I have slowly gained my own voice in this blog. God bless you and see you next year.
(look at other grace in scriptures)
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