Sunday School 44 - Moroni 7-9


Brothers and sisters,

We are asked to invite the Spirit, entice the Spirit, and persuade others to do good because we know the Spirit, because it's from God (Moroni 7:13). Some times it seems like it is asking us to row in a storm with title waves in a canoe or kayak. Hang on. Others see your strength and go from mocking it to admiring it to wanting it to. Moroni spent his life reflecting on the Spirit that his dad had and saw how it changed others. Then when he became a adult no one wanted what he wanted. Yeah it was rough but he cleaved to that Spirit, to that message.

When we are asked to cleave and lay hold (or sieze), your not just grabbing it but using it and sharing it (Moroni 7:28). Part of me I thought of the word siege, where we surround the desire and close in on it. Well, when that's the Spirit, he can be slippery and we don't want it to leave and our imperfections get in the way. What can we do to keep him in our lives? The relationship you have is personal and requires faith, repentance and covenant renewal. We need to trust the Lord and be loyal returning to the Lord when we swane. Above all he knows we can do it. The rules are so simple that a child can follow them.

Hope vs faith. People might have faith that the Lord hears prayers, and that the Lord creates miracles but hope says he hears my prayers and those miracles can and will happen in my life. All too often we say that Christ will invite the saints to heaven but hope says that he, the Christ, is an individual Savior, not just the Savior but your Savior, my Savior. We need to believe it and have faith in Him, the God that knows our name, our lives.

Moroni worried about his faults and imperfections getting in the way of his message and the book his father worked his whole life to give us (Moroni 8:12; 9:31). Do we feel the same? I know for myself I have had those moments, but the Spirit has told me over and over to keep following the prompting and that the Spirit will make the message for where our awkward words could never  fit in a heart on it's own merit. God will make it work, trust the Lord; have faith in him. Remember to error is human but the will of God is Devine. We got this.


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