Sunday School 34 - Helaman 1-6
With the death of several Chief Judges, the turmoil was brewing. Heleman, a general and prophet was dealing with a country that was on the brink of destruction. A society that they thought was tame was so full of poison that had corrupted every aspect of society. King-men wanted a quick fix. Gadianton and his band were now in every element. With the deaths of Pahoran and his sons, it falls to the old general to save a country falling apart. Helaman needs to be a leader like the time he was with the Amonites.
Do you remember what Helaman asked his sons to do? Remember, remember (Helaman 5:12). All too often, Satan wants us to forget our legacy, family, covenants, etc. We are strongly encouraged to forget ourselves and get to work.
When our society is falling apart? Get to work. The family struggles? Get to work. Church callings falter? Get to work. I am reminded of the seven days of creation. It says that on the seventh day, God rested. At least that's what it says in English. The word "Nuakh" is the word. It means to abide. He abides with Adam in the work, giving him peace on his toils. He didn't deal with the weight of the burden because the Lord was with him. He and Adam got to work and that's how it has been since.
The more we immerse ourselves in good works, the more we become like the Savior. Our family, friends, neighbors, and work colleagues see this and seek it too. The simple acts of praying, sharing good experiences and testimonies, fasting, and getting our hands dirty in service bring joy that is neither hollow nor numb. Many say the times are horrible but out of hard things comes beautiful experiences that only the Spirit can bring. Helaman knew that when he named his sons. He was giving them a chance to make an echo of legacy, and though Nephi wanted something different for himself because he wasn't born in Nephi's day, he knew God had placed him in this time and place for a purpose.
The Devil and his angels want to blur sacred and secret things but let us remember that sacred things bless and edify even when shown like a candle in the dark. It provides warmth and vision. Secrets, canker and poison us, making us hard-hearted and stiff-necked. They are not shared in testimony but to calcify us. The Gadianton robbers had fear of losing the things stolen, anger that others had more than them, and hatred that others were blessed despite their wicked intentions. They were spreading suffering. Yes, that is happening today, but Asin Helaman day so is our day. Christ has shown himself in the details. People are happy despite tribulations because they are working feverishly to ease the suffering of others and show others the source of their happiness.
Now stand up and be counted among the disciples of Christ. Commune with God and talk to Him about what is going on. Listen for answers. Fast showing thanks for your blessings. Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be in the moment here and now. Look to the Savior and guide your course.
Talk to you next week.
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