Sunday School 31 - Alma 39-42

It seems that Alma's son Corianton struggled in the early part of his mission and the Zoramite's ideology got to him. The Zoramites said that they were grateful that God was going to save them because they were the chosen ones (Alma31:15-16). They also down played the judgement of God saying there was no punishment or that the punishment was reserved for the unbelievers; a very heaven/hell approach. Corianton needed to know more about God's judgement.

For the next three chapters, this loving Father (Alma) explain the love of God, how he want to reward all who kept their first estate with resurrection. He then explains that the resurrection will be with a full restoration of spirit, mind and body. He concludes with how the judgment of God is going to be full of judgement but also (and especially) full of mercy.  It is recorded that this wayward missionary later becomes a great missionary because the wise gentle council of his father. 

What I have learned from this is, we will all sin and we will all die. While we are in this probation, we should learn and develope, that we should not be harsh on ourselves. My wife keeps reminding me not to pick on her husband (me) and I feel that the Father of Heaven and Earth says the same, do not pick on His children, i.e. you and me for our short coming and weakness but lift and edify our positive attributes, encourage repentance and prayer and find joy in doing good 

The plan of redemption is a plan of mercy, and happiness. The judgement is meant to show us how complete the plan was from the beginning. The plan is like math, a perfect formula for each of our lives (thank you John By the way and Hank Smith). We may not be able to execute the formula exactly but that doesn't make it flawed but shows our flaw. That's why there is a Savior. To correct the equation so that our equations will benefit us and the plan layer out for us.

The other thing I learned is Satan doesn't convince you to  do or or say what you don't want but convince you that the punishment is less or the fruit you desire requires no effort. He shows the fruit is desirous, and smells great but doesn't force you to eat it but shows a convincing argument for you to do it on your own. This corrosion foils the gentle enticement of a desire for obedience to the commandments of God. God asks us to do the work to grow our testimony through faith and trial. We need to test our metal, the metal that resists temptation and holds us in times of deep sorrow. The Savior strengthens us where we are weak but we must have a personal strength too. 

Hopefully we learn that between our tree and the tree of life and of choice (good and evil). We must see that the tree roots we are growing can gain strength because we mix our roots with the roots of the tree of life (the Savior). When we look for answers for the questions that could weaken or attack our faith by listening to living prophets and reading the scriptures we can become powerful example of testimony of a loving Father and Redeemer as Corianton did. 

One more thing, bridal your passions (good and bad). Think of passion as a horse, beautiful and wild. Without a bridal, your passions control your outcome and not you. Sin could be a passion but let's suppose that the passion was career or a talent. Unbridled, it could still ruin homes and families. Everything has a place and course, a time to sow and to reep. Find a proper place and time for passion and you will be a happy person. Limits may be there to be tested but if you apply also the laws and commandments of God to those limits you will find joy in your work life, home life and spiritual relationships. God love us and he keeps telling us. Don't be hard on yourself, know your limits, repent often and keep an open line with the Lord. "You got this" as the phrase says.

Have a good week and again, you got this.


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