Sunday School 22 - Mosiah 29 - Alma 4
When Alma's people, Limhi 's people, Mosiah's people and Nephites unite, times change again pulling the rug from under them all. It seems that above all that is unexpected is change. The people had become united under a king in faith and governance only to change the government and get challenges in their faith. Alma's son and Mosiah's son repented and strengthen the church only to leave on missions and Alma (the younger) going into politics as a chief judge. The world keeps changing with people still wanting a king and a Antichrist rising to power, forming a church and for the rest of history, this church, is a thorn in the church of God.
The world will keep fighting against the unchangeable (God) and things that are changeable (government), the world will bend it to something unrecognizable. In Chief Judge Alma's life, he had to keep course for his changeable government and still keep his sanity as prophet for a church attacked by the followers of Nehor. Suddenly the world of Zarahemla and it's people are being attacked from within and without. The saints are hearing about king-men and on the streets, the selfish Christianity that preaches of no obedience or sacrifice will be paid for by Christ.
Now, you'd think that this would be the end, but I marvel that this struggle that was tearing the people and church apart, brought more converts and grew the church. Brothers and sisters, in our world, I feel that our world is crashing around us, we are attacked in every way. We are attacked as patriots, Christians, because we declare our sex as absolute, genetically and socially. There is fights on skin color, religion and borders. It looks like the country of Zarahemla. Satan attacks us and demands that we do not talk about religion or politics, the very things we need to discuss with civil discord. When we cannot talk about the government, those that want to change it are not called out. The same is in Christ's people. The nitpick the words the Savior, not to unit us but so that we can call each other wrong.
I know it's a hard thing but we should open our mouths. Learn history, study the gospel and bear our testimony of both. Above all, smile. During times of struggle and trials, we need to remember, God is in charge. The church is growing because of change not despite it. Have faith (deep resounding trust) that God is in your life. He is so close that His voice is a whisper. Be active in your callings, church and as a citizen. Be an example of Christ at work, home, and church. There are struggles, I know, but the very things we learned in primary are fundamental. Pray always, renew your covenants weekly, fast monthly and testify of the Lord's blessings, and if you are a temple attender, go to the Lord's house. He loves it when you come and feel at home.
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