Sunday School 25 - Alma 13-16
image This week has a lot of trial and tribulations for Alma Amulek and Zeezrom. Zeezrom was rejected by his people. Amulek was rejected by his family and friends. Finally, Alma watched as coverts die of stoning (the men), and fire (the women and children). Still we had some of the greatest discussions about Melchizedek and letting go so that God can guide and mold our lives. Our struggles being out the the most beautiful things. In my life I have seen the birth of my children. A harrowing and painful experience. When it was over the two of them, the mother and her child, both forget quickly the pain and my wife only knows joy and I imagine my children have the sense of relief and begin the path to know a parents love. I cannot promise anyone that the Gospel is going to always take away pain but it will always bring joy. We sometimes go through pain of heart, of mind and of body. We are asked to endure it well (Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-8). Says the scriptur...