Sunday School 10 - 2 Nephi 20-25
I admit that Isaiah is at times difficult and almost impossible to children. Babylon, Assyria and Persia are places that even we adults cannot grasp the idea of warring nations neighboring us. That said let's pan to our homes and hearts by using a parable of the three pigs.
In three pigs let's assume all three are saints and their homes are their testimonies. All are built on the rock and when the rain and mild weather of life comes, their homes stand. Now comes the wicked one, the wolf.
The wild first requests enterence much like the Assyrians. He asks to enter through the radio, tv, cell phone and dark influences. In this approach he doesn't have to destroy the testimony or temple home. He walks in because he is invited and it doesn't matter the strength of the home or testimony, be it celestial, terrestrial or telestial. And all of this because he promised not to destroy our homes. My advice, don't. Be mindful of this approach.
Now if we push back and say "not by the hair..." Well the wolf must use his second approach, tear down your testimony, your temple minded heart, by force. At that time is your testimony weak like straw and if so do you run to dwell with those of a stronger testimony or are you consumed? If your testimony is sticks (a little tougher and can hold better). Perhaps you fast longer, pray more, or you might be a scriptures master. Alas if it is not the stone of the Master and sealed with that relationship,it to can fall because of cracks and poor preparation. We need to build daily with celestial material. Or goals and ambitions must be Christ centered. The wolf cannot move a celestial built home or testimony. If you must run to a celestial home in time of trial, do so with the intent to learn how to be celestial.
All to often when the wolf comes we bring our straw or sticks because it sort of worked in the light times. We need to learn to let go of the things that exposed us to the wolf so that we can run unimpeded to the house of the Lord, build our testimonies with bricks that will stand eternally. Why we are in the mortal world, the wolf and the storms will always be out there. Life is messy, full of temptation, transgression, and sin but we have the prophets, scriptures and above all, the Savior. He will redeem us from the mouth of the wolf when we cry out, "Save me least I parish".
Ok maybe you have come to the realization that your house is straw or sticks and you want a brick home. It might take time, perhaps a lifetime but keep building. Go to the celestial house when you feel the wolf near. Renew your recommendation for the place recommend it to others. Elder Gary E. Stevenson in his talk Sacred Home Sacred Temple told of going to the temple, no matter the age and I would encourage it too. If you cannot go inside, go to the grounds. You are safer there in your weakness then in a strong straw home with the wolf outside.
Brothers and sisters, God loves us and test of life is about choices. Remember the foolish built terrestrial and telestial lives and while you are building a celestial life, do not be jealous of their parties and gayous living but be ready to teach and help. The Lord asks to be prepared and would testify that those words that the prophets and apostles are true. Have a great week and remember to ever be mindful of the wolf by studying the words of the Savior.
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