Sunday School 2 - 1 Nephi 6-10
When Nephi explained so much trial in the first five chapters, what he was preparing his reader for was for the prophecies of a father that taught him the importance of the scriptures.
In his trials and tribulations he learned that searching pondering and praying brings the knowledge of the scriptures and the miracles brought by faith come because he trusted his father, the prophet and the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we doing the same? Oh sure, President Nielsen isn't our father but the prophet he be! The testimony of Jesus and the scriptures strengthens us and our unyielding trust in Christ is built on a book that by pure miracle a unlearned Joseph would translate from a dead language that has been quiet for a thousand years.
Now let's talk about the Tree of Life. Lehi went through hours of darkness before seeing the tree. Slowly the vision opened to his understanding. The rough part of the vision was covered by the sweetness of the vision and because he caught the vision (see what I did there?), he desired for others to be part of vision and partake of the sweetest thing he had ever received. What troubled him was not the water, the mist, the building but the rejection. This experience is similar to the apostle John (Revelation 10:8-11) who partook of the gospel but when sharing was bitter. Laman and Lemuel refused to go to the light and life of the vision. It didn't matter of the trials that would of lead to the tree but in the vision they were like the seeds that refused to find soil (using Jesus' parable of the sower). Lehi would of loved any other situation I am sure.
Reflecting on that before we move on I want to use CS Lewis words to give an idea of these two hard-hearted and stiff-necked. These two were members of God's church...
"What Satan put into the heads of our remote ancestors was the idea that they could ‘be like gods’—could set up on their own as if they had created themselves—be their own masters—invent some sort of happiness for themselves outside God, apart from God. And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy. The reason why it can never succeed is this. God made us: invented us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on petrol, and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about religion. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."
-- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
The two brothers looked for better and greater without testing and trying a trust in their Redeemer. They wanted the Law to redeem them from sin but didn't see who gave them the law in the first place.
It seems that the two sons used artificial sweetness for the real thing. Like sweet tarts, the candy, they hope that they could be sustained by something with no substance. All too often, in our youth, we have been deceived and called by a loving parent to leave the artificial for the real thing.
Ok, back to the vision...
There are several symbols here; darkness and mist, the building, the filthy water (bad things), the fruit, the rod, the tree (good things).
The Mist - Brightly Beams Our Fathers Mercy, and Lead Kindly Light are hymns that shows that we may not know where we are but the bright things lead the way and what they may be called. At times we feel we are between light sources and that we are on our own. I assure we are not. Darkness can be a trial of faith, perhaps it is temptation swirling trying to drown us, but like Peter in his storm, we can cry out in our storms, that light can lead our way, and light is the light of Christ.
The Building - The whore of the whole earth is a church, the building with no foundation but is flighty is this building. No wonder it mocks the idea of unity and joy with colorful clothes, eating, drinking and laughing. They are also united in mocking and pointing, drinking wine (perhaps the blood of the slain saints) and partying. The vain things of the world, with no substance lies at their feet and pride demands that you covet this.
Filthy Water - Separating us from a building that mocks us is a raging river of filthy water with slippery wet rocks. This represents sin and deception. Like salt water, it looks ok to consume for substance and gratification. You might think it's shallow or easy to cross to join the mockers. It's impossible! Laman and Lemuel didn't cross to the building. It's a ruse a trick and the devil says you can go there.
The Fruit - Lehi, Nephi and Alma describes a fruit that Adam and Eve was denied because of a need for redemption. They made so many descriptions of it appearance, and taste. When we go to the temple do we feel the same? How about when we repent? A trial of faith? When we hear, listen and heed to the Holy Ghost do you not taste that fruit? The fruit must be a daily acquisition!
The Tree - On three occasions, Acts refers to Jesus' crucifixion as 'hanging on a tree' (5.30; 10.39; 13.29), a phrase alluding to the proscriptions for displaying an Israelite convicted of a capital crime (Deut. 21.22-23), but let look at beauty of the sacrifice of the tree., the fruit we can freely partake. The Savior gave us the opportunity to have that tree and He is that tree. Because of that tree we have a light, most bright and a fruit so sweet.
The Rod - The iron rod is the word of God as the song says. When we analyze the rod we must realize that it comes from the tree. This rod is a swirl of three powerful things, (1) testimony, faith )deep resounding trust) and a love of Christ, (2) words from conferences and meetings of modern prophets and apostles, (3) the scriptures, the stories, aligories and history of God's love for the world in past time. Those three things swirl to something that is unchangeable and guards us from filthy darkness that takes from the soul and guide us to a cleansing light with fruit that feeds the soul.
The Paths - There are two paths, one strait and narrow and the other strange, forbidden and broad or wide. Some testimonies are not rooted and they look for better when mocked or that they were scorched quickly. Some root quickly and are shallow; when something cooler comes along, they wander, they leave friends and family, the gospel is a sometimes thing. Lastly, like Laman some testimonies are good for the birds and don't even get a chance, they're just gone. The last one gets root, the trials of the sun do not scortch, and their roots are strong so the devil's angels cannot pluck the testimony from our hearts. The testimony is not based on Mom and Dad, it's not implanted in the mind only but it's in the heart. That is where the Savior is there, the scriptures and words of the prophets are there, our faith is there.
I testify this vision of Lehi and of Nephi is true. This year I hope and pray your testimonies grow because of our study of the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father has given us wonderful and marvelous things that will change us for the better. We are in the best time of our lives. Again, thank you for joining me this week. See you next week.
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