Primary 145 - Ask of God


We are going to talk about three things. One doers, two our tongues, and third temptation vs. enticement. James wanted the saints be doers. He saw the saints in their embrace in grace need to be creators and movers. That by showing the grace of Christ we show His grace by the very essence of our souls and hearts in action. 

Hearers vs. doers
The scriptures say...
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James 1:22) 
All too often some saints have shown faith (deep unwaivering trust) without doing anything. We see need both spiritually and physically and walk by. Why do we do that? Do we not trust the Spirit of God to guide us in righteous doing? We should, alas that does need action. In a previous discussion we said faith was built by our actions. It's still true. Show your faith by your work and your work will reflect Christ's mercy, which will be in your countinance.

Tame your tongue
The phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" never ended up in therapy. Words hurt and perhaps worse then what stones and sticks can do. Once words escape your mouth, they, like a tube of squeezed toothpaste cannot return to its original state. James (3:8) warned us of an unbridled and forked tongue and how it is very much like a viper's mouth. Be kind to others and behind other's back. Do your best not to bite back when you are bitten.

Ask of God
Joseph asked an action question. Which church should I join? All because he read one verse of Scripture (James 1:5). Then he went to God with a solution, an action. He was ready to join any church and all of this because he had faith that God would not hold back. Have you had a question that needed answers? You need to don't not nor fear not (D&C 6:36). He, the Creature of heaven and earth will answer all your questions at a time the is prime for the answer. For your unanswered questions, keep studying and asking.

I wish to discuss one more point. The comparison and contradiction of Tempt and Entice. When you hear the phrase the Lord will not tempt you above that which ye are able (1 Corinthians 10:13) do you think the Lord tempts others or allows temptation? Of course He allows it. There is a distinct difference between the Lord's enticement and the Devil's temptation. One is of encouragement and the other is baiting and bullying. One strives long term to feed a spiritual desire, the other want us to bite on a quick fix of carnal and sensual desire. It is up to us as to what direction we will go, the hook of sinor the crook of the Shepard.

When temptation and enticement are compared, both are like fire and temper (pressure) both build and strengthen or melt and destroy. When we are on the long race of being righteous, the pressure and heat creates a testimony as strong as a diamond. Whilst if we sprint like a microwave cooking a potato (nasty in my opinion) it will lead to short cuts and sun to mimic righteousness and turn into wickedness. All too often people, like children, will get caught by the Lord and their fellow saints. Stay true to the path.

Finally I will leave you with this quote by an apostle...

“To those who believe but wish their belief to be strengthened, I urge you to walk in faith and trust in God. Spiritual knowledge always requires an exercise of faith. We acquire a testimony of the principles of the gospel by obediently trying to live them. Said the Savior, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.” A testimony of the efficacy of prayer comes through humble and sincere prayer. A testimony of tithing comes by paying tithing. Do not let your private doubts separate you from the divine source of knowledge. Prayerfully go forward, humbly seeking eternal light, and your unbelief will be dispelled. I testify that if you continue in the purposeful process of searching for and accepting spiritual light, truth, and knowledge, it will surely come. By going forward in faith, you will find that your faith will increase. Like a good seed, if it is not cast out by your unbelief, it will swell within your breast.” - James E. Faust 

Again we love you.

Read 1 & 2 Peter
Find a good deed that you can do for your family.


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