Primary 126 - Lovest thou me?
When we reflect on the Savior, the amazing moment when Jesus meets Peter, James and John at the same shores of Galalee, I marvel of how merciful the Lord was. Imagine this, the three men in silence have been working all night catching nothing. Their hearts are still heavy over the three days. A man walks along the shore and calling out to them asks them if they have caught anything. They reply in the negative. The stranger asks them to throw their nets on the other side of the boat. They do so and much to their surprise the nets are so full they begin to break again. The men reflect, "This hasn't happen since..." They quickly finish the catch and Peter in his excitement dives off the boat and swims to shore. His heart beating and his arms aching as he does. The excitement is intense. Peter doesn't want the Savior to disappear. James and John begin sailing to the shore. They cannot stop smiling. They recognize the Savior, his voice, so familiar has awoken something in...