Primary 118 - Seek ye first the Kingdom

If at first you do not seek the kingdom try, try, again. The young man who sought the Savior, ran to him and showed that he had done so much and showed so much obedience in the gospel. He asked;  what lacked I yet? 

We should be careful and ready for the answer. There's always room to improve. We are at a time in the gospel where others have been in the field of labor laying the foundations and walls of the Lord's church and giving a place for the gospel to dwell and the Atonement can be taught. We must be humble to work as hard as our predecessors. Those times where we fail to seek the kingdoms we should turn and actively be engaged to get back on the path, grab the iron rod and get to work. God is eager to help us when we lack faith, repentance, or the Holy Ghost. We must be wanting because when we seek the Lord and His righteous, we will not be left wanting but will be healed from our infirmities and forgiven of our sins.

Just like the young man in the first paragraph, sometimes we do good things but might not be doing what the Lord wants us to be doing. There are degrees of laws and glories. Where do we think the Lord would rank our thoughts and actions. 

We can improve and grow. That is why we are here and that is what the Lord wants for us. Strive to improve. We love and pray for you guys.

1) Read Luke 12-17; John 11
2) Have your experienced a time you have put the Lord first. How did you feel? How were you blessed? Record your experience, thoughts and feelings.


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