Primary 101 - Malachi


Malachi's emphasis was on making our outside actions reflect our inside. The Lord asks for sacrifice. He wants our spirits to gain something from the things we do with our temporal things. For ambient Israel, it was the sacrifice of animals. During the prophets' time, the people had become careless. The offering was without feeling. They had become numb, going through thr motions and their offering showed it. 

We are encouraged to fast and pray, to attend the church and temple. The whole point is to turn to God; turn our hearts to our Father in Heaven. He told us that there would be a time when Elijah was going to exercise his keys and reunite us with our parents, grandparents, and all of our forefathers in a way that would again bless the world as it did in ancient times. 
The point of these rituals and sacrifices renew and refresh our relationship with God. If the meaning was lost then, it could be lost now. We urge you to make an effort to give with a heart of gladness, with feeling. When we do things with a heart filled with joy or at least a smile and a prayer, Heavenly Father will see the efforts and magnify them with the Holy Ghost. It's through small little things, that we build our spirits into the ones they will become. Take time this week to talk to your parents, and grandparents to thank them for helping you learn more about yourself and the Savior.

1) Read your favorite story from the scriptures.
2) Think about the Saviors’ birth and what it means to you. Take time to think reflect and write down your thoughts and feelings. Enjoy this time with your family.


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