Primary 76 - David and Solomon

Our wonderful class, 

Let's start this discussion with a wish. If you would wish for anything, with the conditions (stipulations) of the film Aladdin, what would it be? Keep in mind, can't kill anyone, bring back anyone from the dead, make anyone fall in love, and can not wish for more wishes.

Got that wish?

It seems that the kings of Israel had great gifts of the Spirit. Faith, courage, and wisdom were the gifts of Saul, David, and Solomon. We are given gifts from heaven daily, perhaps even hourly as we need them. At times we are even given gifts we didn't ask for such as fame or wealth or respect from the world. This gives us a lot of freedom and that is fantastic. Fantastic things are given to us because we can handle them. The scripture and prophets are two such examples. 

How do we use our gifts? Heavenly Father asks us to be wise. Satan would have us use our gifts for selfish reasons. He would have us abuse authority, flaunt wealth because we have money, be lascivious in our appearance because we are beautiful or pleasing to look at and be haughty because we are great speakers and motivators instead of a leader who inspires others to follow Christ.

We are given wonderful gifts and the kings were no exception. We urge you and counsel you to seek the Lord in acquiring your gifts. Some of you may be great at sports, dance, or music. Some of you might be able to sing or tell jokes or do sleight of hand tricks, great things to be sure. We urge you to be careful. All three kings of Israel misused their talents and it didn't just hurt them but everyone around them. They let Satan manipulate them. He leads the kings to do foolish things. They had the potential to be like King Benjamin and be constantly engaged in good works but they let their private lives become sinful. In your private life avoid anything that you can see, hear, or touch to be soothing that chases away the spirit. We live in a world where games, movies, television, video, magazines, and radio can get into our minds, hand, and hearts. 

We hope that you are staying away from the spiritual fire that could burn you. Sin is like a fire. Once burned it takes time to heal. We can not just stop sinning but we must actively avoid it or be burned by its constant enticement. David and Solomon didn't heed the prompting of the Spirit and it became their downfall. They let what they saw with their eyes, heard with their ears, or felt with their hands become a constant thought and eventually a desire, a craving. We want you to avoid this in your youth so that you will be strong in your adulthood.

 Follow the Savior daily, and show and share your gifts with others so that they will see the Savior through the talents that have been given to you is our prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1) Read 1 Kings17-19
2) This week try to memorize scripture that you can recite when tempted? Record your experiences this week and how they helped you stay strong. a


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