Primary 71 - Deuteronomy
Moses repeated, clarified, and emphasized the commandments. He told Israel that they were to keep the commandments, remember the commandments and have them at the center of their lives by having them written in their hearts and minds. They were to be part of our work, our play, and where we live. The gospel should be part of us all of the time. The Lord is there for us every day of the week 24/7 and ready to open the heavens unto us. We know we don’t just want blessings on Sunday, one day a week. He wants daily spiritual instruction. He, our Father in Heaven, gave them a temple and law and instructions to make them a peculiar people; the same thing He has given us.
Deuteronomy was written to emphasize the Law of God. Clarification was given to them, as the Doctrine and Covenants have been given to us, by a prophet we revere. Each time a gospel principle has been lost, our dear Father fills in the lost pieces to help us. We have prophets as our ancient ancestors and we are so grateful for what past prophets have said as Moses did. Heavenly Father will give us revelation if we are constantly and honestly seeking it.
We hope that you take the time to learn more about the gospel and work hard to know Jesus because that is what the scriptures should lead us to. It is through Jesus that we can return to our Father in heaven. The more we learn and share the gospel the clear the path and the easier it is to see God's hand in our lives.
We pray that the Holy Ghost will touch your hearts and minds. That you will be able to wrestle out the gospel, fervently pray to have your hearts and minds opened to listen and recognize the truth for yourselves. It is our testimonies that support us in our trials. Stay close to the Lord, He is always there with open arms ready to receive us. We love you guys.
1) Read Joshua 1-8, 23-24
2) Think about a gospel topic you want to learn more about. Write it down and before you start your scripture study review it and pray for understanding. Record what you have learned and review it at the end of the week.
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