Primary 72 - Joshua and growing up

image The story of Joshua is one about change. They went from God giving them everything and only asking them to follow the cloud and fire to being on their own and getting instruction more liberally. When we grow up our parents give us freedom and instruction. They provide food and shelter; they give us instruction and entertainment. That's great! Then we grow up and we have a change in moving out. Some of us go to school, jobs, or missions. Again, we are watched over (especially missionaries) but we are asked to be more self-reliant. Then we start careers and families and yet again more freedom but again we learn to follow Jesus differently than when we were children or teens or young adults. Our precious brothers and sisters, think of us like farmers think if plants, when we are seeds, we are not asked to produce fruit, just break the soil. When we break soil, we are asked to reach for the sky, create blossoms, and grow strong, still, we are not asked to show ...