Primary 59 - Make Haste

Brothers and sisters, 

We are studying Rebekah and the two sons she bore to Isaac. Their sons were Jacob and Esau. This mother when a young woman was said to make haste over and over. She was eager to serve her fellows. She did the Lord's will and recognized it quickly.

The turnaround was her son Esau who for a spot of porage gave up a thing of value and cried tears when both a blessing and a birthright were lost. He too had a desire but having a desire and having a righteous desire at times are different.

It seems that we need to use careful discernment when making hasty decisions. Young men and women are eager to serve the Lord and take the call when it is extended. At the same time, people drink alcohol or try a cigarette with that same rush. 

It's all about the choices they make leading up to the event placed before them. What makes it worse, is the regret that leads to anger, hate, and suffering that leads to blessings lost. The song Choose the Right teaches us  "In the right the Holy Spirit guides". We are strongly encouraged to make each decision with the Lord in mind. When we do we have the Lord in our countenance, there is a smile on our faces and a love of the Lord that we quickly share with others freely.

Esau made decisions that lead away from the Covenant path but Isaac was still able to bless him. The blessing would have been greater if he had sought a more righteous lifestyle. 

Brothers and sisters, love the Lord, and no matter what you are experiencing you will be blessed with an abundance of blessings and miracles that you cannot count on. Keep a journal of your journey here. Recognize and record the blessing you receive from the Lord. As you do, you will be able to see and count the blessings that are and have been flowing out of heaven. Make the decision now to serve the Lord, your fellow man, and follow the commandments. This will help you choose the right path when decisions are placed before because you have already made the choice. Seek to serve others and you will be prepared to serve the Lord when the Lord calls you. You all have the potential to be powerful servants and leaders in and outside of the church. It is up to you to live up to that potential. We love and pray for you guys.

Brother Bingham and Brother Keller


1) Genesis 28-33
2) How does making the decisions now to not drink, do drugs, love your neighbor, serve a mission, to be married in the temple make it easier later on in life? Think about this week and record your thoughts.


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