Primary 42 - The role of the priesthood
The Power God Wields – Pure Love
These verses are the foundation of power to preside in the priesthood in time and eternity and reveal how God the Father exercises power and authority. Each of the approaches and characteristics mentioned reveals his nature. The doctrine of the priesthood contained herein includes truths by which we may become like him. He is a “Man of Holiness” (Moses 6:57). Through the spirit of truth, he invites his children to do good without force or compulsion (Moroni 7:16). He is long-suffering as he waits for them to discover and learn the exactness and veracity of his doctrines. He is gentle and meek in teaching them the truth and allowing them to make it part of their lives. He does not seek his good but does all things out of pure love for his children. He does not feign love as a disguise for manipulating and controlling them. Even in his chastisement, his motive is pure love (D&C 95:1). He does not seek to dominate by his fatherhood. In the words of Alma, he asks his children to “give place” in their hearts for the truths he teaches them (Alma 32:27). He is virtuous in thought and deed, possessing perfect purity. We know that we may put our everlasting trust and faith in him. All who give him dominion over them do so with the utmost confidence in his sincere and fatherly intent to bring to pass their immortality and eternal life. The grand secret of presiding in the priesthood is that there is power in righteousness. Virtuous beings will freely give honor and glory to their Father, who is in every respect a “Man of Holiness.”
The guidelines in these verses are given as truths that cannot be trampled upon. Each priesthood bearer must learn them and make them part of his character if he is to ever preside over a family in righteousness. Likewise, those who are called to presiding offices in the Church should govern upon these principles of righteousness. By doing so they will also receive power in the priesthood within their sphere of teaching and presiding over the Saints.
We want you to know your role here in life is not random. Your Father in Heaven was and is intricately obtained with the priesthood. Nothing is a mistake; nothing is forgotten. Heavenly Father is doing everything in His power to save each of us. That same power created the worlds without numbers, moved mountains and rivers but above all allows Him to be involved in the times you need Him, His So, and the Holy Ghost to be involved. We are never alone. He even has allowed our fathers and brothers to exercise that power with authority. We are encouraged to bless and edify everyone that asks it of us. We you are troubled, talk to your priesthood holders in your life, talk to the valiant sisters and mothers. That same love that our Father gives freely, will help you through our righteous families and friends. Please pray always and you will be blessed.
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