
Showing posts from August, 2021

Primary 33 - Bridled and Good

Brothers and Sisters, It has been another fast week and we are so excited to see you guys in class. This week we need to discuss the very nature of God and his relationship with  all  of us. From His beloved Son to the least of us we are precious in His sight. No one is forgotten. We sing in the primary "I am a child of God" and truly "He sent us here".  What is our relationship supposed to be and what does it mean? We could dip deep into intelligence, spirits, mortals, immortals etcetera but what we barely touch is what we are supposed to be. As spirits and mortals, we are much like wild horses. We think that being wild and without law, we will be happy. This is because we think that by being wild (carnal, sensual, and devilish) that we will suffer no misery or pain.  Also, God will not force you to be bridled but gives you the chance to follow His law. At any time you could walk away. Please don't. The Savior and our Father want you to see how much...

Primary 32 - All things are possible

Our dearly loved saints, We are going to talk about physically and mentally being ready for the Spirit. Our world is dangerous but like we said before God instructs the storm and not during. When we received instruction about things like our diet and lifestyle, the Lord gave it before Satan had a chance to create a church addicted and under the pressure of a dark force but because God is in control and know the hearts of men He can give us instructions that echo through decades.  This new law (Section 89) is not just food and drink instructions but life instructions. It talks about too much or too little, it talks about seasons. Are we doing everything to be strong, fit, and healthy? Are we doing everything to have a clear sharp mind? Do we manage our time wisely? How do we manage stress and anxiety; play games, music draw, sing? Brothers and sisters, you are a precious and chosen generation. You, thankfully, do not have to deal with adult addictions that quickly hinder...

Primary 31 - Going to the Kingdom

Our wonderful class,  We want to address the law. Some of you may ask "what is the law of God" or "are the principles and ordinances of the gospel" law? Let's start with some simple things to answer those questions. First, you all have the Comforter who, as the scriptures say, "will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance" (John 14:26). You see each reward of heaven has rules that govern it and if you have a willing heart and a willing mind, you can and will receive it. You may ask "when will I learn the laws of heaven" or "where will I learn the laws of heaven"? The answer is the law is everywhere and available all the time. What is our responsibility? We are to, as the song says, seek the Lord early (children songbook 108) while we are in our youth. Heavenly Father has taught us through the Savior and prophets that no unclean thing can enter heaven (Moses 6:57; Alma 40:26).  We have the plan of ha...

Primary 30 - The Path

Our dear precious brothers and sisters We are reading sections 85- 87. Section 85 refers to a book called the Book of Life. It is vitally important that we are written in that book and that our friends and family too. This book has seven seals that only Jesus can open. This book has all the things that were are and will be your life.  Why is it important? Brothers and sisters, we turn to Jacob chapter 5 for the answer. Now you say why is the story of a vineyard about me? Let's pan out a little. If you and we are the vineyard, we need additions (grafts), subtractions (pruning), and movement (transplants). For example, people are removed and added, the property is removed and added and moves are all the time.  Our lives are with the loss and gain of jobs, property,  friends, and family through death and departure, marriages, births and adoptions, and we could move all over. Our whole lives are that vineyard.  Then why is it in the book and can we see the an...