Primary 24 Ask and Ye shall Receive
What ye have written is My will, and is acceptable unto Me: 2 And furthermore: Thus saith the LORD unto the First Presidency, unto the Twelve, unto the Seventies and unto all My holy Priesthood, let not your hearts be troubled, neither be ye concerned about the management and organization of My Church and Priesthood and the accomplishment of My work. 3 Fear Me and observe My laws and I will reveal unto you, from time to time, through the channels that I have appointed, everything that shall be necessary for the future development and perfection of My church, 4 For the adjustment and rolling forth of My kingdom, and for the building up and the establishment of My Zion. 5 For ye are My Priesthood and I am your God. Even so. Amen. Today our dear class, we wish to start by saying God continues to give revelation by showing you the revelation given to the prophet John Taylor in April 1883. Our Father wants you all to know that He has r...