Primary 16 - Trials to Blessings

Our dear brothers and sisters, 

This week we are talking about the Section 45. Now, this section has a lot of end times references that we are sure shock and perhaps terrorized the saints as it does sometimes today. While it's TRUE that crazy days are ahead, the Lord 365 times tells us to fear not and doubt not (D&C 6:36) and "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear" (D&C 38:30).

Our dear young brothers and sisters, you are in a place where you are dependent on the Lord and your dear parents. A famous song says "dont worry, be happy" (ask your parents about it) and this applies when you are afraid, pray and sing the songs you remember as they are a prayer to the Lord and He hears you; remember that. 

You may of heard the stories of the early saints and what they endured. Heavenly Father wants us to endure to the end. We cannot sress what the prophets have encouraged; bear your testimony,  say your prayers daily, read the Book of Mormon every day. You are in the best of times (though some would say the worst of times). You will succeed because of your testimony, because you know who protects you and gives you your strength. We see so many great things in your generation that will change hearts and lives.

Keep your standards, remember the commandments of the Lord, remember your mottos, oaths and one day you will be ready for Covenants. 

You may of heard the stories of the early saints and what they endured. Heavenly Father wants us to endure to the end. We stress what the prophets have encouraged; bear your testimony,  say your prayers daily, read the Book of Mormon every day. You are in the best of times (though some would say the worst of times). You will succeed because of your testimony, because you know who protects you and gives you your strength. Draw close unto the Lord and the Lord will close to you. We see so many great things in your generation that will change hearts and lives.

We love you and know you will do great things. We have testimonies of the Prophet and Apostles. They are here to guide us and teach us. They are the light on a hill that can guide use through difficult times and keep us on the right path. Stay strong and close to the gospel. Have a great week.

1) Read D&C 46-48
2) How do you find peace and comfort. Write down and share your thoughts and experiences.


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