Primary 5 - The End from the Beginning

Our wonderful class,

This week we have been studying Doctrine and Covenants 10 and 11. In these accounts we have begun to learn how our Heavenly Father truly knows the end from the beginning. 

Our Father in Heaven knows us. He knows what makes our faith grow and what kind of experiences we need to grow our faith. You see, our faith is like a plant or tree. We need the sun (Son), water (of life or scriptures) and a rich soil (soul full of desire and a body of clay). Heavenly Father knowing all our needs for our spirits to grow in faith has provided all of these things so that you and us, your teachers, can come back to the presence of Heavenly Father. 

You and we, we may never see the plates or sword of Laban or the Liahona, but seeing those things are not anywhere as important as the faith that grows in this life. We hope that in our lives our faith grows to a knowledge that the gospel is true, that Jesus lives and that He does speak to prophets but most of all, you know that the gospel is yours for your growth and well being. You are a child of God. Believe that. Heavenly Father loves you and trusts you to look for Him in all things.

Section 10 and 11 talk of wicked men with wicked designs to undo God's plan for Joseph and Book of Mormon and that applies to all of us. Each of us must exercise our faith in knowing that no matter what,  God our Heavenly Father knows what's going to happen and has made a way to increase our faith and knowledge of things not seen or heard but testified. Life is hard sometimes but if you have a desire to believe, you will see miracles in the likes you never expected. We have a testimony of these things in our lives and know you can have it too.

Study hard and pray with diligence and you will see great things meant for you. Thank you for being in our class.

Brother Keller and Brother Bingham 


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