
Showing posts from September, 2024

Sunday School 38 - 3 Nephi 8-12

image Brothers and sisters, It is in the darkest time of our lives when our thanks are given the most for the little tender mercies that shine through. A prime example is the story of Connie and her sister who were thrown in a consecration camp for hiding Jews  in the 1940's. These two sisters were in the worst of conditions because they cared for others, but they found gratitude in their trials.  The same can be said about the In Nephites. When the dark time came for the people of Nephi, people had moved, the government had changed, and pride reigned supreme in the hearts of people who should have been prepared for the coming of the Savior.  The question then is, does Jesus need to be here to strengthen your testimony? Will you know more about his coming than you know now? Does Jesus need to reveal himself for your testimony or is he already in your life in ways that you are trying to recognize? The absence of light, heat, life, and purity is a cold, thi...

Sunday School 37 - 3 Nephi 1-7

Coincidence or Providence  The sign of a whole day of light. The last-minute rescue. How do the Gadianton Robbers try to get us to surrender the good things? Do not take counsel from fear (3 Nephi 3:11-12) Satan uses flattery, intimidation, threat, boasting, promises, blame, and guilt you out of your virtue and covenant, out of your rights and property.  Harken and fear not, gather and council with the Lord. Be priceless, don't sell out for "free" stuff. "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been  called  of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." (3 Nephi 5:13) ______ Image Brothers and sisters, The scriptures say... "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life" (3 Nephi 5:13). The first three chapters of 3 Nephi are tense. Gadianton Robbers are intensifying ...

Sunday School 36 - Helaman 13-16

image Brothers and sisters,  Samuel the Lamanite stood on a wall to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ risking life and limb after being kicked out of that very city that banished him. I want to talk about two things here. First, what wall are we willing to die on? Second, what walls do we build to separate us from the prophets?  The first thing is the walls we have built as a testament to us. Is it about us and our pride or our relationship with the Savior? Are we ashamed of it, do we let others pick at it and mock it? Is it in disrepair and needs maintenance? Or is the wall shiny, strong, and new? Does it reflect Christ's influence in your life? Do points of Doctrine come through like a light on a hill? The second point is what walls are we using to block out the light of Christ: sin, pride, greed, false doctrine, wild ramblings of inactive and excommunicated people? Is it a point of doctrine that bothers you from the past? Are you using fake happiness to substitu...

Sunday School 35 - Helaman 7-12

image Brothers and sisters,  These are our days. The level of diverse ways of entrapment to sin and debt is vastly abundant, and the Gadianton Robbers live among us, and the Book of Mormon was written for us. The Robbers seek to hold things as valuable and people expendable. They say within themselves, "Let us rob them daily, nevertheless don't tell them of our wickedness but call it a service and a necessary evil, and when they have lost their purpose and value, throw them away".  The thief will rob slowly and kill softly. How else could their lifestyle be paid for? Compliance and acceptance is a drug that tells us that we should not resist; our handlers will take care of us. The Nephites accepted this because of the kickbacks (Helaman 7:21) and "allowance" of the practice of free assembly, religion, and free speech, not seeing how freedom was being choked. Those aware thought war and violence would solve it but Helaman 6:37 showed that the darkness...

Sunday School 34 - Helaman 1-6

  Image With the death of several Chief Judges, the turmoil was brewing. Heleman, a general and prophet was dealing with a country that was on the brink of destruction. A society that they thought was tame was so full of poison that had corrupted every aspect of society. King-men wanted a quick fix. Gadianton and his band were now in every element. With the deaths of Pahoran and his sons, it falls to the old general to save a country falling apart. Helaman needs to be a leader like the time he was with the Amonites. Do you remember what Helaman asked his sons to do? Remember, remember (Helaman 5:12). All too often, Satan wants us to forget our legacy, family, covenants, etc. We are strongly encouraged to forget ourselves and get to work. When our society is falling apart? Get to work. The family struggles? Get to work. Church callings falter? Get to work. I am reminded of the seven days of creation. It says that on the seventh day, God rested. At least that's what it sa...