Sunday School 38 - 3 Nephi 8-12
image Brothers and sisters, It is in the darkest time of our lives when our thanks are given the most for the little tender mercies that shine through. A prime example is the story of Connie and her sister who were thrown in a consecration camp for hiding Jews in the 1940's. These two sisters were in the worst of conditions because they cared for others, but they found gratitude in their trials. The same can be said about the In Nephites. When the dark time came for the people of Nephi, people had moved, the government had changed, and pride reigned supreme in the hearts of people who should have been prepared for the coming of the Savior. The question then is, does Jesus need to be here to strengthen your testimony? Will you know more about his coming than you know now? Does Jesus need to reveal himself for your testimony or is he already in your life in ways that you are trying to recognize? The absence of light, heat, life, and purity is a cold, thi...