Primary 121 - Virgins, Talents, and Sheep
image If we gave a test, what method would help you the most? A date and time of the test, small quizzes every day, or perhaps a final that was due but we gave no date or time of it only that your two teachers would wear matching ties on that day and also to let you know it was soon one or the other would wear a tie? The Lord has a test but we do not know when it will come to pass. We are asked to prepare by prayerfully reading and studying the scriptures, listening to living Apostles, constantly seeking repentance and being vigilant in renewing our covenants. This test is not of knowledge or feats of strength but of faith, hope, joy, charity; things you work and build. Above all we need to have faith in Christ and know Him. Do not mistake the notion of knowing of Him but know Him. What's the difference? The Savior have three parables the first was of ten virgins. Each was waiting for the groom to invite them to a party. The didn't know when the party started only t...